SEF Annual General Meeting 2018
The Annual General Meeting of The Sustainable Energy Forum Inc (SEF) will be held on Thursday 5 July 2018, from 6:00pm.
The venue will be the Meeting Room on the Mezzanine Floor of the Wellington Public Library, 65 Victoria Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand. You can find access information at
We plan to set up a Skype link for those unable to attend on-site.
The business of the meeting will include:
- Welcome
- Apologies
- Minutes of AGM 3rd September 2017
- President's Report
- Treasurer's Report
- Election of Officers for 2018-2019
- Any other business relevant to the AGM
Anyone willing to offer to stand for election to the management committee is invited to contact Convener Steve Goldthorpe.
Those who intend to attend the meeting, either in person or by way of the Skype link, are asked to RSVP to Neil Mander at Also, please let Neil know if you wish for your apology to be recorded in your absence.
The meeting will be followed by a lecture by Dr Andrew Alcorn on "New national strategies to reduce CO2-e emissions from New Zealand houses" and then general discussion on the future of SEF and Energy Watch.
SEF Annual General Meeting 2016
The Annual General Meeting of The Sustainable Energy Forum Inc (SEF) will be held on Thursday 25 August, from 4.30pm.
The venue will be Meeting Room No.2, on the Ground Floor of the Wellington Public Library, 65 Victoria Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand. You can find access information at
We plan to set up a Skype link for those unable to attend on-site.
The business of the meeting will include:
- Welcome
- Apologies
- Minutes of AGM 3rd September 2015
- President's Report
- Treasurer's Report
- Election of Officers for 2016-2017
- Any other business relevant to the AGM
Anyone willing to offer to stand for election to the management committee is invited to contact Neil Mander.
Copies of reports, etc, will be issued a bit closer to the day.
Those who intend to attend the meeting, either in person or by way of the Skype link, are asked to RSVP to Neil Mander at Also, please let me know if you wish for your apology to be recorded in your absence.
Neil Mander
Acting Secretary
SEF Seminar - Towards 100% renewable urban transport
It is increasingly clear that New Zealand needs to cut down transport emissions, for climate-change, cost, supply-risk, safety and pollution reasons. At present we are heading in the opposite direction. This seminar will put up some ideas for change.
Who: Eric Martinot, an internationally recognized writer, educator and speaker on renewable energy. He is now based in Japan, and travels to New Zealand each year to give a post-graduate course at Victoria University, and was lead author and research director of the global status report, REN21, on the status of renewable energy worldwide.
Plus: Brief comments from -
Paul Young, Generation Zero, on why young people are campaigning for a zero carbon goal - low carbon transport options, efficient public transport and safe cycleway networks.
Doug Clover on his research on NZ attitudes towards electric vehicles.
When: Thursday 22 August, 12.30 pm - 2.00 pm
Where: Sustainability Trust, Forresters Lane
The SEF Annual General Meeting will follow at 2:15, same location.
A PDF of this information is available.
SEF Seminar - How will the Mixed Ownership Model support Sustainable Energy?
When: Friday 20 July 2012, 12.30 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Where: Room 315, Railway West Wing, Pipitea Campus, Wellington.
These presentations have been posted on the Papers page.
The seminar began with a presentation from Molly Melhuish: The Mixed Ownership Model cannot support sustainable energy in New Zealand. In this presentation Molly showed how electricity market rules have led to high domestic prices and suppressed sustainable energy options. She concluded that re-regulation would be required to overcome market failure, and discussed strategies how to achieve that.
Then Geoff Bertram made a presentation Electricity prices, asset values, regulation and renewables (see attached .pdf file). In his analysis of the economics mechanisms at work in the electricity sector, Geoff identified some measures that could be theoretically be implemented to promote a sustainable energy future including:
- Writing off of excess revaluations of assets above original costs;
- Progressive pricing such as giving consumers 300 kWh/month under the standing charge before per unit charging starts;
- Taxing windfall profits arising from the Carbon Charge etc.; and
- Incentives for new small scale distributed generation initiatives
However, such mechanisms would need to be in place before partial transfer of ownership took place, because they would be much harder, if not impossible, to implement after asset sales.
SEF Seminar: Feed-In Tariffs
When: Friday 10 September, 12.15-1.30pm.
Where: Large Gallery, Turnbull House, 11 Bowen St, Wellington.
Admission: By koha.
Feed-in tariffs are used in many countries to promote the adoption of renewable energy technologies. But they are not used in New Zealand, and opinion is divided on whether their adoption here is a good idea.
The Sustainable Energy Forum (SEF) is holding a seminar in Wellington on Friday 10 September to discuss this issue. Stephan Heubeck of REFIT-NZ, an organisation advocating the introduction of feed-in tariffs in New Zealand, will speak in favour of their introduction. Energy analyst Steve Goldthorpe will offer a more cautious view. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.
These presentations have been posted on the Papers page.
Stephan Heubeck: REFIT – NZ, SEF feed-in tariff system seminar
Steve Goldthorpe: Feed-in Tariffs in NZ? Observations by Steve Goldthorpe
SEF - ESR Conference: Signs of Change
When: Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 November 2010.
Where: Venues in Christchurch, Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North, Wellington and Dunedin with live video and audio links to each other.
The first decade of the 21st Century has confirmed the warnings of the previous fifty years - the historical development path is not sustainable. Air, water, energy, soils, forests, fish... over exploitation enabled by new technology and emboldened by new economies has brought the world's resources, ecosystems, and even the climate to the tipping point. The benefits of profligate energy use, new technology and economic growth are obvious, but the cost is degradation of social fabric and environmental viability. But change is happening. The Signs of Change Conference will show-case examples of fundamental change in a wide variety of contexts.
For more details and up-to-date information see the conference website at
SEF Seminar: Electric Vehicles and Electric Transport in New Zealand: 2010 and Beyond
When: Friday 6 November, 12.30-2:00pm.
Where: Large Gallery, Turnbull House, 11 Bowen St, Wellington.
Admission: By koha.
Can we switch our transport system from burning fossil fuels to using electricity? If so, how quickly will it happen, and how much difference will it make to New Zealand's oil dependence and to greenhouse gas emissions from transport?
The Sustainable Energy Forum (SEF) is holding a seminar in Wellington on Friday 6 November to talk about these issues. Speakers will discuss developments in electric vehicle technology, the opportunities and difficulties in marketing electric vehicles, and the effect that widespread use of electric transport is likely to have on New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. If you're interested in transport, vehicle technology, green jobs, oil depletion, or climate change, you'll find something of interest in this SEF Seminar.
These presentations have been posted on the Papers page.
Tim Jones: Using Electricity for Transport: An Overview
Seminar chair Tim Jones will make a brief introductory presentation outlining the range of electric transport options now available.Doug Clover: Recent Developments in Electric Vehicle Technology
Researcher Doug Clover will look at recent trends in the performance and cost of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and current and emerging developments in electric vehicle battery technology.Hayden Scott-Dye: Understanding Electric Vehicles in New Zealand
Hayden Scott-Dye of Meridian Energy will present an overview of the Mitsubishi iMiEV evaluation and some of its key results, the benefits of adopting and accelerating the deployment of electric vehicles in NZ, and some of the key challenges going forward.Steve Goldthorpe: Greenhouse Consequences of Electric Vehicles in New Zealand - An Assessment Framework
Energy analyst Steve Goldthorpe will set out the assumptions required to assess the impact on the CO2 emissions per person kilometer of personal travel associated with an individual's switch from a conventional vehicle to an electric vehicle, and explore the sensitivities of key parameters.Downloadable version of these details (PDF, 59 KB).
SEF Seminar: Making Household Energy More Sustainable
What can and should be done to make household energy use in New Zealand more sustainable? What policies are required?
Date: Thursday 9 October.
Time: 12 noon - 2pm.
Venue: Victoria University Law School (Old Government Buildings) Lecture Theatre 2, Lambton Quay, Wellington. (Note: Lecture Theatre 2 is behind the main Law School building, close to the corner of Bunny St and Stout St.)
Admission: By koha.
- Alexandra MacMillan, Domestic Energy Users' Network (DEUN): DEUN: A National Federation to Advocate for Sustainability and Equity in Meeting Household Energy Needs (PDF, 213KB).
- Philippa Howden-Chapman, Wellington School of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Otago: Reducing Fuel Poverty through Residential Energy Efficiency.
- Jonathan Lermit, specialist in electricity forecasting: Analysing the Response of the Residential Sector to the Hydro Shortage (PDF, 380KB).
- Frank Pool, specialist in energy efficiency programme design: Designing Energy Efficiency Projects For Real Impacts (link to YouTube video).
These details are available to download as a PDF (13KB).
ESR/SEF conference: Responding to Oil Depletion and Climate Change
This was held Saturday 26 July, 8.30am-5.15pm, Oakridge House, Unitec, Mt Albert, Auckland
Papers presented:
Topical Research - NZPI Study Tour - Richard Hurn (PDF 85KB)
International Progress on Kyoto - Garry Law (PDF 440KB)
A Period of Consequences - Steve Goldthorpe (PDF 109KB)
Energy, Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality - John Blakeley (PDF 110KB)
Energetics of Carbon Capture - Arthur Williamson (PDF 1.79MB)
Regional Planning for Transport Energy & the Economy - Archer Davis (PDF 1.24MB)
National Responses Linking Energy, Climate and Emissions - Tim Jones (PDF 112KB)
Campaign for Better Transport - Cameron Pitches (PDF 716KB)
Transition Town Initiatives - James Samuel (PDF 79KB)Other files:
Summary of Conference - Ross Rutherford (PDF 192KB)
Final Statement - (PDF 130KB)
Sustainable Energy Forum seminar: Electric Vehicles in New Zealand
About 70 people attended this seminar, held in Wellington on 15 November.
Four of the presentations and the first response are now available to be downloaded.
A video of the entire seminar is now available online from Google Video at
K-J Kells, Meridian Energy: "Creating an electric vehicle future for NZ"
Simon King, Ministry of Transport: "Towards an electrical transformation of the New Zealand light vehicle fleet" (PDF 276KB)
Brian Bull, Electricity Commission: "Impact of high electric vehicle uptake on generation development in New Zealand" (PDF 95KB)
Brent Efford, Transport 2000+: "The 100% electric commute: a once and future option" talk (Word Doc, 47KB) and slides (PDF, 4.3MB).
Fraser Clark, New Zealand Wind Energy Association: "The car after the storm - potential synergies for wind energy and electric vehicles in NZ" (PDF 451KB)
First response:
Steve Goldthorpe, Energy Analyst: "Electricity Supply Scenarios for 2025" (PDF, 318KB)
Background to the seminar: The Prime Minister announced in October 2007 that the Government intends to push for the early adoption of electric vehicles in New Zealand as a major part of its plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport. This seminar was held to provide an opportunity to discuss the use of all forms of electric transport in New Zealand, and the implications of this for our electricity and transport systems.
Joint Sustainable Energy Forum/Energy Federation of New Zealand Event:
One-Day Seminar on Government Energy and Climate Change Policy
On Friday 16 February 2007, the Sustainable Energy Forum and the Energy Federation of New Zealand held a joint one-day seminar in Wellington which focused on the draft New Zealand Energy Strategy and related government energy policy documents. Panels covered Energy and Climate Change; Low Carbon Transport; Energy Supply, Demand and Security; and Low Emissions Power and Heat. The conference presentations are now available online at
The report on this event, to be published in EnergyWatch, contains material which may be useful to those preparing submissions on the Government's suite of energy policy documents. As long as the authorship of the presentations is acknowledged, you are welcome to use material from this report in your submission. Available as Word doc (67KB) and Acrobat PDF (145KB).
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This was held at:
National Library Auditorium
Molesworth Street
4 July 2005 at 2.30pm.For more information read this PDF.
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Sustainable Energy Forum (Inc) Conference 2004
"Sustainable Energy Futures - Think BIG or Think SMART?"
Dates: Friday 19th & Saturday 20th November 2004
Venue: Rutherford House Campus, Victoria University, Bunny Street, Wellington.Jointly organised by SEF, Sustainable Aotearoa New Zealand, Energy Management Association of NZ and Climate Defence Network NZ, to promote sustainable energy and climate friendly policies and practices in New Zealand.
Program highlights:
- Discussion on Sustainable Development Programme of Action - Energy.
- Briefing on the new Clean Energy Centre for innovative technologies.
- Launch of Wind's Up - a new resource on planning for wind farms.
- Public Lecture: "Understanding the energy efficiency resource base"
Alan Pears, Adjunct Professor, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.- Key note paper: "Making markets work for distributed energy resources"
Hugh Outhred, Director, Centre for Energy & Environmental Markets, UNSW, Australia.PROCEEDINGS INDEX: Attached (PDF 70kB).
TITLE: Sustainable Energy Futures - Think Big of Think Smart
ISBN No.: 0-9583472-9-8
COST: $50 (incl postage in New Zealand - contact SEF Office for delivery to other locations)Sustainable Energy Forum
PO Box 11-152
Wellington 6142Phone +64 4 586 2003
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The Sustainable Energy Forum (Inc) Conference 2003
Implementing Targets for Sustainable Energy in New Zealand
Taken at the conference on Sunday afternoon. |
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